‘’Szklane domy’’ (The Glass Houses) periodical

The Foundation published the first issue of the periodical entitled the “Glass Houses”. Its title refers to Stefan Żeromski, an author so strongly associated with our Świętokrzyskie region.

Observing the spread of COVID-19 and all the dramatic situations affecting families, especially children and adolescents, after losing a parent who lost their battle with Covid
Santa’s Mines campaign

As part of the “Mines of Santa Claus” campaign, employees of the Świętokrzyskie Mines of Mineral Resources replied to Christmas letters of needy children from Łagów.

On October 25-27, 2021, we launched the first employee volunteering programme, as part of which our employees were involved in helping the Specialist Hostel of the Support Center for Victims of Domestic Violence
Dewonit as the “Star of the Agricultural Industry 2021” in the category of fertilizers

Dewonit lime fertilizer with a composition rich in calcium and magnesium was announced as the Star of the Agricultural Industry 2021 in the category of fertilizers.
Świętokrzyskie Hydrogen Cluster

On November, 25 a very important event took place at the Jaźwica mine starting a new chapter in the history of the company. On the initiative of the ŚKSM a declaration was signed on the establishment of the Świętokrzyskie Hydrogen Cluster named after Łaszczyński brothers.