Soil acidification is a natural process leading to the accumulation of H+ hydrogen cations. This phenomenon is revealed only when the soil is unable to neutralize excess H+ ions on its own. This is manifested by a decrease in pH. In addition, man, through systematic fertilization, especially with nitrogen fertilizers, the use of various agrotechnical treatments as well as industrial activity, contributes to the increase in the rate of soil acidification processes.

kopalnia kruszywa

Effects of soil acidification:

  • The basic problem of plant cultivation in Poland
  • Low yields
  • Poor plant growth and development
  • High activity of harmful elements
  • High activity of heavy metals
  • Poor assimilation of nutrients by plants
  • Unfavorable biological changes in the soil

Benefits of using ŚKSM lime fertilizer:

  • deacidification of the soil (in Poland there is a predominance of acidic or very acidic soils)
  • yield increase
  • improvement of the structural and physico-mechanical properties of the soil
  • prevents chemical degradation of the soil, mainly caused by the action of “acid rain”
  • increasing the assimilability of nitrogen and phosphorus
  • retention of water and air in the substrate
  • limiting the absorption of heavy metals
  • increases the resistance of plants to freezing in winter
  • degree of granulation ensuring even operation
  • the period of fertilizer operation up to 4 years from sowing
  • improving the qualitative characteristics of plants by introducing magnesium into the soil
Kopalnia kruszywa naturalnego - produkty wysokiej jakości

The high quality of our fertilizer is confirmed by:

  • positive opinion on agricultural usefulness issued by the Institute of Cultivation, Fertilization and Soil Science in Puławy,
  • product qualification certificate for use in organic farming issued by the Institute of Cultivation, Fertilization and Soil Science in Puław,
  • systematic quality checks carried out by the Chemical and Agricultural Station in Kielce and its own Plant Laboratory of ŚGP INDUSTRIA S.A.
  • constant interest of Farmers and Trading Companies, forming a group of regular recipients of lime fertilizer.


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Tomasz Kotwica

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Paweł Guzek

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Joanna Orlińska