Commencement of the activities of ŚKSM “Kaganek” Foundation

We have always empathized with other people’s lives, therefore this year the “Kaganek” Foundation of the Świętokrzyskie Mines of Mineral Resources was launched.

It is to emphasize the connection with our activities, history and values. The establishment of the foundation has started a new, very important stage in the life of the company. Apart from our core activity, we will now regularly engage in charity and educational activities.

The Foundation was established to help in the areas which are important to us. We create a community of people working for the development of our region and we do it with passion. However, we crave to do something more, much more. Thanks to our work and commitment we can support our immediate surroundings.

We invite you to a tab dedicated to the Foundation to learn about the purpose and objectives of the “Kaganek” Foundation.

Learn more about our Foundation

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Paweł Guzek

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Joanna Orlińska